Did you know?
Abuse isn’t just physical
In fact, the most prevalent form of child abuse is neglect: withholding care, such as necessary food or medicine, from children. Other types of abuse children suffer include sexual, emotional, and spiritual abuse. Freedom for the Captives provides pastors, teachers, and concerned Christian members with resources to prevent and respond to child abuse.
Read articles, blogs and devotions recently posted to our site.
Dear Fellow Survivor Blog: Here is what I know
Preventing Abuse: Jesus Was Abused Too
Preventing Abuse: Not Your Fault
Preventing Abuse: Too Damaged For Church
Preventing Abuse: Empowering Children
Dear Fellow Survivor Blog: Becoming Friends with Traumatized Me
Dear Fellow Survivor Blog: Choose Joy
Dear Fellow Survivor Blog: Not Powerless
Dear Fellow Survivor Blog: Coming Out into the Real World
Dear Fellow Survivor Blog: There’s No Google Maps for This
Webinars and course work for your edification and to spur you into action.
Standing Up for the Children
Mandatory Reporting
Abuse devastates lives and can leave emotional and spiritual scars. How can we prevent abuse, or stop it?
We have a need and obligation to protect people who are abused, especially children. Jesus himself spoke strongly on this subject. Concerned people in the church, in government, in education, and in social work recognize the need to protect, prevent and intervene. Good child protection policies and practices should be the norm in any organization that works with children.
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“If anyone causes one of these little ones—those who believe in me—to stumble, it would be better for them to have a large millstone hung around their neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea.” —Jesus