Godly Response to Abuse in the Christian Environment is a Christian organization of child abuse prosecutors, psychologists, and other professionals ...
I am a pastor providing pastoral counseling
I am providing pastoral counseling to someone who has significant trauma from childhood sexual abuse. Where should I turn for ...
What if I can’t forgive?
Many survivors worry that God will condemn them if they cannot forgive the person that abused them. For example, one ...
What is the difference between God’s forgiveness and ours?
There are two kinds of forgiveness. Vertical forgiveness is God forgiving us. It is a proclamation. It is a done ...
Is it wrong for me as a Christian to report my abuser to Child Protective Services or law enforcement?
If your neighbor stole your car, you would report him to the police. Your abuser stole something from you much ...
Does abuse impact boys and girls differently?
There is research suggesting boys may delay disclosing sexual abuse longer than girls—perhaps as long as 20 years. Studies indicate ...
What is the spiritual impact of abuse and neglect?
According to 34 major studies involving more than 19,000 abused children, a significant number of children suffer “spiritual injuries.” This ...
How does abuse or neglect impact a child emotionally and physically?
In a series of studies of more than 450,000 patients, the Centers for Disease Control and Kaiser Permanente found that ...
How often are children abused and neglected in multiple ways?
Most abused or neglected children are violated in multiple ways. Specifically, 66% of children abused in one way are abused ...
Who commits child abuse and neglect?
Every ten years, the United States Department of Health conducts a massive study to determine as much information as possible ...