Dear Fellow Survivor Blog - Coming Out into the Real World by Freedom for Captives

Dear Fellow Survivor Blog: Coming Out into the Real World

Here’s the specific lie that has imprisoned my mind ever since I experienced sexual abuse ...
There’s No Google Maps for This

Dear Fellow Survivor Blog: There’s No Google Maps for This

Here’s the specific lie that has imprisoned my mind ever since I experienced sexual abuse ...
Dear Fellow Survivor - Living with a co-existing condition

Dear Fellow Survivor Blog: Living with a co-existing condition

Here’s the specific lie that has imprisoned my mind ever since I experienced sexual abuse ...
Dear Fellow Survivor Blog: The Gift of Vulnerability

Dear Fellow Survivor Blog: The Gift of Vulnerability

Here’s the specific lie that has imprisoned my mind ever since I experienced sexual abuse ...
Blog: Dear Fellow Survivor - Painful Puzzle Pieces

Dear Fellow Survivor Blog: Painful Puzzle Pieces

Here’s the specific lie that has imprisoned my mind ever since I experienced sexual abuse ...
Dear Fellow Survivor Series - Leaning on My Brothers -

Dear Fellow Survivor Blog: Leaning on my brothers

My dear fellow survivor, my mind is moving into new and unfamiliar territory ...
Dear Fellow Survivor Series - Sharing My Burden -

Dear Fellow Survivor Blog: Sharing My Burden

My dear fellow survivor, you may feel as if you must carry your burden all by yourself. You may think ...
Dear Fellow Survivor Series - About Me -

Dear Fellow Survivor Blog: About Me

I am a child of God. I am a husband. I am a father. I am a pastor. And I ...
Responding to the spiritual impact

Responding to the Spiritual Impact of Child Abuse

Although most people are aware of the physical and emotional toll of child abuse, many do not appreciate the spiritual ...
Speaking with Survivors has Changed my Life

Speaking with Survivors Has Changed My Life

4 Positive Reasons to Talk about Abuse As I think about you, the reader, I imagine that you are probably ...
If God is good

If God is Good Then Where Did Evil Come From

I want you to trust every word of the Bible . . . . . . even from the very ...
100 Percent of People are Affected by Abuse

100 Percent of People are Affected by Abuse

How you can help protect children and support survivors. Some statistics are so staggering you just can’t un-see them. That’s ...