Dear Fellow Survivor Blog: Here is what I know

Dear Fellow Survivor Blog: Here is what I know

What we can do is cling to God's truths and promises ...
Dear Fellow Survivor - Feeling Safe in Unsafe Places

Dear Fellow Survivor Blog: Feeling Safe in Unsafe Places

Words can hurt. God’s words heal ...
Dear Fellow Survivor Blog: Healing from Hateful Words

Dear Fellow Survivor Blog: Healing from Hateful Words

Words can hurt. God’s words heal ...
Dear Fellow Survivor: Becoming Friends with Traumatized Me

Dear Fellow Survivor Blog: Becoming Friends with Traumatized Me

If we want to find healing and wholeness, we need to become friends with Traumatized Me ...
Dear Fellow Survivor - Choose Joy

Dear Fellow Survivor Blog: Choose Joy

I am not alone in struggling with unwanted and intrusive thoughts and feelings ...
Dear Fellow Survivor - Not Powerless

Dear Fellow Survivor Blog: Not Powerless

You are not powerless anymore. You have permission and the ability to stand up for yourself ...
Dear Fellow Survivor Blog - Coming Out into the Real World by Freedom for Captives

Dear Fellow Survivor Blog: Coming Out into the Real World

Here’s the specific lie that has imprisoned my mind ever since I experienced sexual abuse ...
There’s No Google Maps for This

Dear Fellow Survivor Blog: There’s No Google Maps for This

Here’s the specific lie that has imprisoned my mind ever since I experienced sexual abuse ...
Dear Fellow Survivor - Living with a co-existing condition

Dear Fellow Survivor Blog: Living with a co-existing condition

Here’s the specific lie that has imprisoned my mind ever since I experienced sexual abuse ...
Dear Fellow Survivor Blog: The Gift of Vulnerability

Dear Fellow Survivor Blog: The Gift of Vulnerability

Here’s the specific lie that has imprisoned my mind ever since I experienced sexual abuse ...
Blog: Dear Fellow Survivor - Painful Puzzle Pieces

Dear Fellow Survivor Blog: Painful Puzzle Pieces

Here’s the specific lie that has imprisoned my mind ever since I experienced sexual abuse ...
Dear Fellow Survivor Series - Leaning on My Brothers -

Dear Fellow Survivor Blog: Leaning on my brothers

My dear fellow survivor, my mind is moving into new and unfamiliar territory ...