
Rape, Abuse and Incest National Network

RAINN is the nation’s largest anti-sexual violence organization. Resources include a national hotline (800.656.HOPE), resources, information, and education and training ...

Help for Adult Victims of Child Abuse

HAVOCA provides support, friendship, and advice for any adult whose life has been affected by childhood abuse. HAVOCA ...

Emotional Psychological Abuse

The American Psychological Association has completed a comprehensive study on the potential long-term impact of psychological abuse ...

The Ace Study

The CDC and Kaiser Permanente have studied the impact of child physical abuse, sexual abuse, emotional abuse, neglect, and other ...

Special Ministries Mental Health Needs

Informational brochures and counselor information to help Christians make informed choices as they choose a mental health provider when suffering ...

Freedom for the Captives – Counseling

Visit our FFTC counselors page for resources that may help in finding a counselor ...
Coping with Flashbacks

Coping with Flashbacks

People who have experienced trauma may experience flashbacks in their everyday lives. Flashbacks can be intense and bring back the ...
What Is A Trigger?

What Is A Trigger?

Experiencing a sudden onset of the feelings and emotions that you felt during an abusive situation is a common experience ...

What does the Bible say about child abuse?

See the Bible verses on this website ...

Are there recommended books on healing?

Check the book reviews on this website ...

What if I can’t forgive?

Many survivors worry that God will condemn them if they cannot forgive the person that abused them. For example, one ...

Why is it so difficult to forgive the one who abused me?

Those who are abused as children often have a difficult time with forgiving the person or persons who hurt them ...