
Can a survivor of abuse or neglect heal?

Many survivors of abuse and neglect lead productive lives free of many of the adverse medical and mental health conditions ...

Does abuse impact boys and girls differently?

There is research suggesting boys may delay disclosing sexual abuse longer than girls—perhaps as long as 20 years. Studies indicate ...

What is the spiritual impact of abuse and neglect?

According to 34 major studies involving more than 19,000 abused children, a significant number of children suffer “spiritual injuries.” This ...

How does abuse or neglect impact a child emotionally and physically?

In a series of studies of more than 450,000 patients, the Centers for Disease Control and Kaiser Permanente found that ...

How often are children abused and neglected in multiple ways?

Most abused or neglected children are violated in multiple ways. Specifically, 66% of children abused in one way are abused ...

Who commits child abuse and neglect?

Every ten years, the United States Department of Health conducts a massive study to determine as much information as possible ...

How prevalent is child abuse and neglect?

The Centers for Disease Control and Kaiser Permanente queried 17,000 men and women to determine how many endured abuse as ...

What is child abuse and neglect?

Children are abused or neglected in many ways. A child may be beaten. A child may be touched sexually or ...
Becoming a Safe Church for Kids

Becoming a Safe Church for Kids

10 steps to becoming a safer church for kids ...
What Do I Say To A Sexual Assault Survivor?

What Do I Say To A Sexual Assault Survivor?

Choosing a counselor should not be difficult. Here are a few things to keep in mind when selecting yours ...
Forget Me Not Flowers

God Remembers You

“…the LORD gave [Joseph] success in everything...” – Genesis 39:3 “It could be worse.” “It’s darkest before the dawn.” “Something ...
Rid of My Disgrace

Rid of My Disgrace

Book review of Justin and Lindsey Holcomb’s Rid of My Disgrace ...