
Safe Kids

Act Against Violence (ACT) Raising Safe Kids Program is designed to help parents raise healthy children and to reduce the risk ...

Standing Up for Children

Standing Up for Children: A Christian Response to Child Abuse and Neglect. All churches and schools need to be safe ...


1in6 helps men who have had unwanted or abusive sexual experiences live healthier, happier lives. 1in6 also serves family members, ...

Emotional Psychological Abuse

The American Psychological Association has completed a comprehensive study on the potential long-term impact of psychological abuse ...

The Ace Study

The CDC and Kaiser Permanente have studied the impact of child physical abuse, sexual abuse, emotional abuse, neglect, and other ...

Special Ministries Mental Health Needs

Informational brochures and counselor information to help Christians make informed choices as they choose a mental health provider when suffering ...

Freedom for the Captives – Counseling

Visit our FFTC counselors page for resources that may help in finding a counselor ...

Lutheran Church Missouri Synod

Lutheran Church Missouri Synod Child Abuse Resources. This website, created by a Missouri Synod (LCMS) Task Force on child abuse, ...

Are criminal background checks a way to ensure safety?

If the ministry my child attends conducts a criminal background check on workers and volunteers, is that enough to make ...

What if I can’t forgive?

Many survivors worry that God will condemn them if they cannot forgive the person that abused them. For example, one ...

Is it wrong for me as a Christian to report my abuser to Child Protective Services or law enforcement?

If your neighbor stole your car, you would report him to the police. Your abuser stole something from you much ...

What can I do to keep my children safe?

Our website includes a number of resources for parents and churches to use in teaching personal safety to their children ...