Tag Archive for: Preventing Abuse
Preventing Abuse: Jesus Was Abused Too
Articles, ADVOCATES, MINISTRY LEADERS, FAMILY Preventing AbuseYou were abused. Not just once but many times. You were bruised both physically and emotionally. Words cut holes in your heart. Holes that are still there today. The physical bruises may be gone, but the emotional scars run deep. What happened that someone who should have loved you and protected you instead used you in such an awful way?
Preventing Abuse: Not Your Fault
ADVOCATES, MINISTRY LEADERS, FAMILY, Articles Preventing AbuseDo you ever wonder, “Could God even love me?” Someone sexually abused you as a child. That person told you to keep quiet, or you would be in trouble for doing something terrible. You believed you were dirty and damaged. You felt like it was all your fault. If only you had been a better child, maybe none of this would have happened. Even if you tried harder to be good, it still happened. Eventually, you gave up hope that it would stop and just tried as best you could to endure it. You pushed the pain deep inside you and tried to cover it up by blocking it out. But the pain always came crashing back along with the guilt.
Preventing Abuse: Too Damaged For Church
FAMILY, Articles, ADVOCATES, MINISTRY LEADERS Preventing AbuseYou were hurt, you were bruised, and terrible words were said to you. You were told you were a burden and a problem. Maybe your parents communicated to you that your existence ruined their lives. Their lives would have been more like they had hoped if you hadn’t come along and changed everything. Because of you, they had to sacrifice so much they would rather be doing.
Preventing Abuse: Empowering Children
Articles, ADVOCATES, MINISTRY LEADERS, FAMILY Preventing AbuseTeaching children about child abuse prevention gives them the knowledge and skills they can use to protect themselves. Because the topic feels uncomfortable, it is often left untaught. Yet, we know that each child is a precious gift from God, a gift we must protect, even when it feels uncomfortable.
Preventing Abuse: Respite Care
FAMILY, Articles, ADVOCATES, MINISTRY LEADERS Preventing AbuseParenting is hard! One of the most challenging jobs in the world, it requires patience, empathy, and the ability to think on your feet. Parents are responsible for their children's physical, emotional, and mental well-being. It can be overwhelming at times.
Preventing Abuse: An Overview
ADVOCATES, MINISTRY LEADERS, FAMILY, Articles Preventing AbuseThey say, “It takes a village to raise a child.” Children need people around them to provide a safe, healthy environment, give them the security they need, and help them realize their hopes and dreams.