Blog: Dear Fellow Survivor - Painful Puzzle Pieces

Dear Fellow Survivor Blog: Painful Puzzle Pieces

Here’s the specific lie that has imprisoned my mind ever since I experienced sexual abuse...
Dear Fellow Survivor Series - Leaning on My Brothers -

Dear Fellow Survivor Blog: Leaning on my brothers

My dear fellow survivor, my mind is moving into new and unfamiliar territory.
Dear Fellow Survivor Series - Sharing My Burden -

Dear Fellow Survivor Blog: Sharing My Burden

My dear fellow survivor, you may feel as if you must carry your burden all by yourself. You may think that no one else could possibly want to get close enough to you to help you carry your burden.
Dear Fellow Survivor Series - About Me -

Dear Fellow Survivor Blog: About Me

I am a child of God. I am a husband. I am a father. I am a pastor. And I am a survivor of childhood sexual abuse.