Tag Archive for: faq
Should abuse of a child by another child be handled in the same way as abuse by an adult?
faq, FAMILY, MINISTRY LEADERSWhile abuse by a juvenile can impact a child emotionally, physically and spiritually, the process of dealing with a juvenile abuser and the outcome of that different process can be quite different. Ministry leaders and the families they serve…
Are criminal background checks a way to ensure safety?
faq, FAMILYIf the ministry my child attends conducts a criminal background check on workers and volunteers, is that enough to make sure my children are safe?
Most predators do not have a criminal history and often have many victims before they are apprehended.…
What does the Bible say about child abuse?
faq, MINISTRY LEADERS, SURVIVORSSee the Bible verses on this website.
Are there recommended books on healing?
faq, MINISTRY LEADERS, SURVIVORSCheck the book reviews on this website.
I am a pastor providing pastoral counseling
faq, MINISTRY LEADERSI am providing pastoral counseling to someone who has significant trauma from childhood sexual abuse. Where should I turn for help?
Counseling survivors of childhood sexual abuse (CSA) is challenging. You will need to refer to a professional…
What if I can’t forgive?
SURVIVORS, ADVOCATES, faq, FAMILY, MINISTRY LEADERSMany survivors worry that God will condemn them if they cannot forgive the person that abused them. For example, one man said that he couldn’t forgive his father for torturing him repeatedly and was worried his soul was in jeopardy. If you…
Why is it so difficult to forgive the one who abused me?
faq, SURVIVORSThose who are abused as children often have a difficult time with forgiving the person or persons who hurt them. In many cases this was a parent, grandparent, sibling, relative, or some other person that was close to you. This was someone you…
What is the difference between God’s forgiveness and ours?
faq, MINISTRY LEADERS, SURVIVORSThere are two kinds of forgiveness. Vertical forgiveness is God forgiving us. It is a proclamation. It is a done deal. On the cross Jesus announced, “It is finished.” Because Jesus lived and died in our place, we have forgiveness and life.…
What does it mean to forgive someone?
faq, SURVIVORSThere is a lot of confusion about forgiveness, especially when it comes to child abuse. Sometimes a well-intended friend will tell us, “You just need to forgive and move on.” Or a relative may encourage us to “forgive and forget.” Both…
What should I do if I plan to confront my abuser?
faq, SURVIVORSAs noted in previous question Do I need to confront the person who abused me?, God’s Word does not require you to confront your abuser and doing so may place you in danger of physical or emotional harm. If you are contemplating confronting…
Do I need to confront the person who abused me?
faq, SURVIVORSAlthough it is appropriate to report your abuser to the authorities and otherwise take actions to prevent him or her from abusing other children, God’s Word does not require you to confront the abuser. Indeed, it may be physically or emotionally…
Is it wrong for me as a Christian to report my abuser to Child Protective Services or law enforcement?
faq, FAMILY, MINISTRY LEADERS, ADVOCATES, SURVIVORSIf your neighbor stole your car, you would report him to the police. Your abuser stole something from you much more valuable than a car. He stole a part of your very life and self from you. In doing so that person committed a crime and needs…
What can I do to keep my children safe?
faq, FAMILY, ADVOCATESOur website includes a number of resources for parents and churches to use in teaching personal safety to their children and in developing church policies that limit the possibility a child may be abused inside the faith community.
Can a survivor of abuse or neglect heal?
faq, FAMILY, ADVOCATES, SURVIVORSMany survivors of abuse and neglect lead productive lives free of many of the adverse medical and mental health conditions previously discussed. How quickly, and to what extent a victim of abuse heals is dependent on a number of factors.
Does abuse impact boys and girls differently?
ADVOCATES, faq, MINISTRY LEADERS, SURVIVORSThere is research suggesting boys may delay disclosing sexual abuse longer than girls—perhaps as long as 20 years. Studies indicate boys have myriad fears that keep them quiet including fears of being labeled weak or gay as a result of sexual…
What is the spiritual impact of abuse and neglect?
faq, MINISTRY LEADERS, ADVOCATES, SURVIVORSAccording to 34 major studies involving more than 19,000 abused children, a significant number of children suffer “spiritual injuries.” This can happen when the abuser uses religion in the abuse of a child. For example, a parent may beat…
How does abuse or neglect impact a child emotionally and physically?
SURVIVORS, ADVOCATES, faq, FAMILY, MINISTRY LEADERSIn a series of studies of more than 450,000 patients, the Centers for Disease Control and Kaiser Permanente found that physical abuse, sexual abuse, emotional abuse, neglect and other forms of maltreatment are associated with higher risks of…
How often are children abused and neglected in multiple ways?
faq, FAMILY, MINISTRY LEADERS, ADVOCATES, SURVIVORSMost abused or neglected children are violated in multiple ways. Specifically, 66% of children abused in one way are abused in at least two ways and approximately 30% of abused children are maltreated in five or more categories (physical abuse,…
Who commits child abuse and neglect?
ADVOCATES, faq, FAMILY, MINISTRY LEADERS, SURVIVORSEvery ten years, the United States Department of Health conducts a massive study to determine as much information as possible about child abuse in the United States. This research has consistently found that most children are abused or neglected…
How prevalent is child abuse and neglect?
faq, MINISTRY LEADERS, ADVOCATESThe Centers for Disease Control and Kaiser Permanente queried 17,000 men and women to determine how many endured abuse as children. The population studied was representative of the United States population as a whole. More than one out of four…
What is child abuse and neglect?
faq, FAMILY, MINISTRY LEADERS, ADVOCATES, SURVIVORSChildren are abused or neglected in many ways. A child may be beaten. A child may be touched sexually or forced to touch sexually another person. A parent or other caretaker may emotionally abuse a child by telling them they are of no value…