Tag Archive for: what is abuse?
What Do I Say To A Sexual Assault Survivor?
FAMILY, ADVOCATES, ArticlesChoosing a counselor should not be difficult. Here are a few things to keep in mind when selecting yours.
Counseling Survivors of Sexual Abuse
MINISTRY LEADERS, Book ReviewsBook review of Dr. Diane Langberg’s Counseling Survivors of Sexual Abuse.
Rid of My Disgrace
FAMILY, MINISTRY LEADERS, ADVOCATES, SURVIVORS, Book ReviewsBook review of Justin and Lindsey Holcomb’s Rid of My Disgrace.
Definitions of Child Abuse and Neglect
FAMILY, MINISTRY LEADERS, SURVIVORS, ArticlesThere are numerous federal and state laws that define child abuse and neglect. In determining whether or not a specific action violates civil or criminal law, it is necessary to consult with local authorities. The following general definitions of child abuse and neglect are taken from the World Health Organization and the International Society on Child Abuse and Neglect.
Understanding and Preventing Child Sexual Abuse
Articles, FAMILY, MINISTRY LEADERS, ADVOCATES, SURVIVORSParents, grandparents and other caretakers often have many questions about speaking to their children about abuse and in otherwise keeping them as safe as possible. This article poses a number of common questions and provides answers written by the staff of the National Child Protection Training Center.