Misbeliefs: I’m All Alone
Articles, SURVIVORS MisbeliefsMany survivors of childhood abuse report feelings of being alone in the world, that no one can understand them. These feelings are deeply rooted in the abuse, where the perpetrator methodically created a private space of, “Don’t tell.” They come from feelings of shame survivors experience, making them unwilling to disclose their abuse.
Misbeliefs: It’s My Fault
Articles, SURVIVORS MisbeliefsSurvivors of trauma, whether childhood abuse, sexual assault, or domestic abuse, share a belief that the abuse was their fault. A person abused as a child may believe they were not loveable enough, or they could have stopped the abuse. Children who are sexually abused by a caregiver believe that they acted in a way that made the perpetrator want to have sex with them.
Congregational Guidelines for Dealing with Sexual Offenders
MINISTRY LEADERS, ResourcesThese guidelines, developed with the help of law enforcement, abuse experts, and church workers, provide carefully crafted counsel for churches. Safety of children and youth is foundational to the document, while finding safe ways for congregations…
The Office of Sex Offender Sentencing, Monitoring, Registering, Apprehending and Tracking
ADVOCATES, MINISTRY LEADERS, Resources(SMART) is a United States Department of Justice program that monitors federal law on the registration of sex offenders. The SMART website has resources that can help churches or others understand registration laws in a particular state. Tags:…
Sex Offender Management Assessment and Planning Initiative
MINISTRY LEADERS, ResourcesA comprehensive report prepared by the United States Department of Justice that details our current knowledge about adults and children who commit sexual offenses. The Sex Offender Management Assessment and Planning Initiative report may help…
24 Hour Hotline
ADVOCATES, FAMILY, ResourcesThe National Center for Missing & Exploited Children has a 24 hour hotline if you believe you have seen a missing child or encounter sexually exploitive images. NCMEC also has resources that parents, churches and schools can use in teaching…
Children with Disabilities
ADVOCATES, MINISTRY LEADERS, ResourcesA report from the Department of Health and Human Services that provides a number of resources to respond to the risk of child abuse and neglect among children with disabilities.
ADVOCATES, MINISTRY LEADERS, ResourcesShared Hope International offers resources to assist in understanding and responding to the trafficking of children.
Teaching Children Resilience
ADVOCATES, MINISTRY LEADERS, FAMILY, ResourcesThe Search Institute has developed tools for parents and schools to use in teaching children perseverance and resilience, including a connection to faith.
Teaching Children Internet and Personal Safety
MINISTRY LEADERS, FAMILY, ResourcesZero Abuse Project has a number of resources for parents, schools and churches in teaching children personal safety.
Shaken Baby Syndrome and Abusive Head Trauma
FAMILY, ResourcesThe Matty Eappen Foundation has resources to help prevent abusive head trauma in infants, which is commonly called Shaken Baby Syndrome. The foundation also has a grant program to assist families impacted by this form of child abuse.
Prevent Child Abuse America
ADVOCATES, MINISTRY LEADERS, FAMILY, ResourcesPrevent Child Abuse America is the nation’s oldest and largest organization committed to preventing child abuse and neglect before it happens. They promote programs and resources families; churches and communities prevent child abuse and …
Sexual Behaviors of Children
MINISTRY LEADERS, FAMILY, ResourcesThe American Academy of Pediatrics: Evaluation Sexual Behaviors in Children. Parents, clergy, teachers, and others may struggle with discerning a child’s sexual behaviors. This article helps sort out normal and abnormal sexual behaviors in…
Safe Kids
FAMILY, ResourcesAct Against Violence (ACT) Raising Safe Kids Program is designed to help parents raise healthy children and to reduce the risk of physical or emotional abuse. The program was developed by the American Psychological Association and its effectiveness…
Zero Abuse Project
ADVOCATES, MINISTRY LEADERS, ResourcesZero Abuse Project (ZAP) is an organization committed to transforming institutions to effectively prevent, recognize, and respond to child sexual abuse. Zero Abuse Project offers many excellent training courses, including “Keeping Faith: Empowering…
Standing Up for Children
SURVIVORS, ADVOCATES, MINISTRY LEADERS, FAMILY, ResourcesStanding Up for Children: A Christian Response to Child Abuse and Neglect. All churches and schools need to be safe places where leaders actively work to prevent abuse. Freedom for the Captives (FFTC) offers online training videos taught by…
SURVIVORS, ADVOCATES, MINISTRY LEADERS, FAMILY, Resources1in6 helps men who have had unwanted or abusive sexual experiences live healthier, happier lives. 1in6 also serves family members, friends, partners, and service providers by providing information and support resources.
Male Survivor
SURVIVORS, ADVOCATES, ResourcesAn organization committed to preventing, healing, and eliminating all forms of sexual victimization of boys and men through support, treatment, research, education, advocacy, and activism. Male Survivor
Rape, Abuse and Incest National Network
SURVIVORS, ADVOCATES, MINISTRY LEADERS, ResourcesRAINN is the nation’s largest anti-sexual violence organization. Resources include a national hotline (800.656.HOPE), resources, information, and education and training. RAINN
Help for Adult Victims of Child Abuse
SURVIVORS, ResourcesHAVOCA provides support, friendship, and advice for any adult whose life has been affected by childhood abuse. HAVOCA
The Centers for Disease Control
ADVOCATES, MINISTRY LEADERS, ResourcesThe Center for Disease Control (CDC) has published a guide to assist youth-serving organizations in limiting the possibility of child abuse within an organization.
Freedom for the Captives – Policy Experts
ADVOCATES, MINISTRY LEADERS, ResourcesExperts are available to help churches and schools develop effective policies for their ministry. We can provide sample policies templates and provide guidance concerning best practices. E-mail [email protected].
Emotional Psychological Abuse
SURVIVORS, ADVOCATES, MINISTRY LEADERS, FAMILY, ResourcesThe American Psychological Association has completed a comprehensive study on the potential long-term impact of psychological abuse.
The Ace Study
SURVIVORS, ADVOCATES, MINISTRY LEADERS, FAMILY, ResourcesThe CDC and Kaiser Permanente have studied the impact of child physical abuse, sexual abuse, emotional abuse, neglect, and other adverse childhood experiences on our health. It is important to consider the potential impact on child abuse and…
Special Ministries Mental Health Needs
SURVIVORS, FAMILY, ResourcesInformational brochures and counselor information to help Christians make informed choices as they choose a mental health provider when suffering from abuse or addiction.
Freedom for the Captives – Counseling
SURVIVORS, MINISTRY LEADERS, FAMILY, ResourcesVisit our FFTC counselors page for resources that may help in finding a counselor.
Lutheran Church Missouri Synod
ADVOCATES, MINISTRY LEADERS, FAMILY, ResourcesLutheran Church Missouri Synod Child Abuse Resources. This website, created by a Missouri Synod (LCMS) Task Force on child abuse, contains articles, prayers, coloring books and other resources that may help churches and families in responding…
ADVOCATES, MINISTRY LEADERS, ResourcesGodly Response to Abuse in the Christian Environment is a Christian organization of child abuse prosecutors, psychologists, and other professionals who provide training, publications, and other child abuse prevention resources to families and…